Sunday 9 February 2014

Behind the Mask

As someone obsessed with makeup I rarely go days without makeup. I'm not saying that's a good thing - the opposite, but with sixth form, work, socialising etc my skin doesn't get much of a break. For me makeup makes me feel a lot more confident and I feel like it makes me look more attractive by enhancing my natural features. As a teenager my skin isn't the best, I have a good skincare routine and whilst I'm lucky to not suffer with acne (apart from in times of stress) I still get a fair amount of spots and have scarring. I also feel like without mascara my eyes look a lot smaller and due to my eyelashes being a pale colour they are a lot harder to see!
Natural unedited photo
The point of this blog post though is, although makeup is a wonderful thing and I won't be falling out of love with it anytime soon; I need to get more used to not wearing makeup. I don't view myself as a 'goddess' with makeup but I certainly feel a lot more comfortable and more attractive. Everyone strives for this 'perfect' image and yet in reality, I don't actually think there is a 'perfect image'. Every single person has imperfections or is insecure about something, whether its physical or psychological. Therefore I'm going to really try and make an effort to be more comfortable of my imperfections (lord knows there are enough) and not feel the urge to hide behind a 'makeup mask'. If you have a similar mindset then do the same, we can encourage each other when we're having a bad day. I'm not saying I'm going to be chucking away all my makeup, no way, BUT for days when I'm just catching up and chatting with friends I'm going to go sans makeup and let my skin have a breather. 

Love, Laura x

Thursday 6 February 2014

An Introduction

It seems only fitting that I introduce myself and what this blog is about before I jump right in. My name is Laura, I'm 17 (while writing this anyway) and love YouTube, comedy and anything beauty related. I'm not to sure what this blog will actually end up being, packed with beauty reviews and photos of pretty products or just snippets of my life with the background theme of beauty. But I hope you enjoy it nevertheless and come with me on this magnificent journey!

Always helpful to put a name to a face
Love, Laura x