Tuesday 10 June 2014

A Catch Up

I haven't blogged in nearly a month... woops! In that time I finished my A-level exams and did A LOT of relaxing- I'm loving Pretty Little Liars atm :) I've also been able to meet up with my friends, a few days ago me and my friend Ellen went to London for a makeup masterclass and a wander around Camden. Here are some of the photos we took in the vintage style photobooth:

It was a really lovely day - I filmed it and there were many funny moments, I loved watching it back but I'm waaay too nervous to put it on YT! I go on my Silver DOFE practice expedition on Thursday till Sunday and then start school again on Monday to finish the last term of being in year 12, this year has gone crazy super fast! This school year has been a mixture of good and bad, to be completely honest more bad than good but recently I've been happier - my friends have been my rock, supported me when I've been struggling and enjoyed the happier moments with me. I'm really looking forward to finishing the last few weeks of school, I've got a holiday to Spain with my family 
and picnics with my friends to look forward to! Leave me a comment to what you are looking forward to in the Summer and I'll aim to blog weekly ;)

Love, Laura x

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