Saturday 19 April 2014

Natural Makeup

As a less than subtle person I usually wear quite a lot of makeup, my mindset is that if I'm going to bother doing my makeup I might as well go the whole hog! However I have really been liking this 'natural makeup' more recently.

Foundation, tiny bit of concealer, blusher and mascara

 For starters it's a lot quicker and as someone constantly in a rush this means I'm not as late as I would be. Additionally, sometimes having really dramatic, heavy eyes can be too much and just doesn't look quite right. I change my makeup around frequently but I am really enjoying the simple, 'less is more' makeup at the minute and going more dramatic for evenings out. It also makes taking my makeup off in the evenings a lot easier as there is less product to remove! Furthermore with Summer fast approaching, I find I tend to wear less makeup as having full makeup combined with hot weather just makes me a sweaty, hot mess- no one wants eyeliner on their cheeks so therefore this makeup look is perfect!

Leave me a comment what makeup you're liking at the minute :)

Love, Laura x

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