Sunday 23 March 2014

Soft 'Romantic' Makeup

This is one of my favourite makeup looks, I think it works well with my complexion and is something different to the classic 'smokey eye, nude lip'. In general I tend to focus the attention on my eyes
to accentuate them and go natural on my lips. However in this look whilst the eyes are still the main focus, the lipstick finishes off the makeup and in my opinion brings it all together. 
I kept the rest of my makeup quite simple, no highlighter, soft contouring and just making sure my base was as flawless as it could be with a dewy finish. A little black eyeliner and lots of mascara made my eyes really pop with the eyeshadows. The blush I used is one of my favourites at the minute, it gives a gorgeous, subtle flush to your cheeks and lasts well throughout the day!
The stand out products are the MUA Pink Sorbet trio eyeshadows and the No7 Blush lipstick as these are crucial in creating the 'soft romantic' makeup. I absolutely love the trio eyeshadows, they are well pigmented, shimmery and a beautiful colour. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, leave me a comment if you liked this makeup look or if you have of the products yourself!

Love, Laura x

Beauty Blogger Tag

My friend Cassie tagged me in the 'Beauty Blogger Tag' and I liked the questions so let's jump in!
WARNING: a relatively lengthy post!

1) Name a beauty routine you barely do

I can't really think of one. I'm pretty good at keeping a strict (ish) beauty regime as I don't want to cause unnecessary breakouts and want my skin looking the best it can. One thing I hate doing is plucking my eyebrows though. They aren't the most unruly of eyebrows but could definitely be neatened up, however I am both lazy and not fond of pain so I tend not to do that.

2) Is washing your brushes something you regularly do?

I do wash my brushes, but not as much as I should. Due to the fact they take ages to properly clean and then a long while to dry it's an annoying chore that I need to plan. Basically I'm just lazy and as that's a chore that requires effort I'm reluctant to do it!

3) How long do you last with chipped nail polish?

Not long at all! It really annoys me if their chipped or have tiny air bubbles so I have to take it all off and either start again or not bother. I haven't worn nail varnish in a while as the I become too impatient to let it dry properly so it smudges and makes a mess, plus with the load of work (that I don't do) I don't have time to make my nails look like a beautiful sparkly claw.

4) How often do you put off buying/replacing a beauty product even if you need it?

I don't put it off at all. If I need something replacing, (eg my foundation) as soon as I think its close to running out I'll buy a new one. Similarly if I see a new product that looks interesting or I want to try I usually give in to temptation and buy it straight away, this is why I have NO MONEY!

5) What's your worst beauty habit?

Biting my nails probably. I know, I know, I'm a terrible person, if my nails are painted then I don't its just without I tend to bite my nails if I'm bored, worried, basically all the time. This can be the motivation for actually making the effort and painting my nails!

6) Name something beauty related that you put off all the time

SCHOOL WORK. Oh god, the amount of procrastination I do is actually ridiculous, whilst writing this I have about 3 essays, all due in tomorrow. I leave everything to the last minute which ends up me getting really stressed out or running out of time to do everything! Not advised!

7) When going out do you leave getting ready to the last minute or not?

I like to have a long time to get ready, that way if something goes wrong I have enough time to rectify it or start over. However I tend to get distracted talking to people or watching videos so I don't leave myself enough time so end up rushing and usually being late! My friends must hate me xD

8) Can you commit to spending bans?

Not really. I give in to temptation very easily, its very bad!

9) How organised is your makeup and nail varnish collection?

Very organised! My room is a complete mess but as I asked for storage for Christmas my makeup and nail collection is beautiful displayed, I love it! I was thinking of doing a post on my makeup storage, so look forward to that :)

10). What's the longest time you've gone without writing a post?

As I've only just started my blog I can't really say, I'll let you know!

Sorry for the lack of photos but I didn't see the point inserting useless pictures but I really hope you enjoyed reading my answers. Also well done if you managed to get to the end, it is a very long post so congrats! If you fancy doing this tag make sure to tag me and I'll make sure to check it out :)

Love, Laura x