Sunday 1 February 2015

Best Bits of 2014

In my opinion, January is about reflecting on the past year and planning, prepping and looking forward to the new year! So as January is now over, these were the 'best bits' I reflected on.

Some of my favourite parts of 2014 were:


For my friend Ellen's birthday we went to Brighton for the day, it was a beautiful sunny day and we just spent the whole day laughing and chilling out on the beach. What made this day brilliant is the fact it was such a unexpected triumph, whilst everyone was looking forward to this day we didn't expect it to be one of the best days of the year which it definitely was! I think this shows that some of the best days are the ones you don't particularly expect :)

Duke of Edinburgh (Silver)

I loved both of these trips, (practice and qualifying trip for each). Although it was hard work and extreme sweating, back pain and horrendous blisters weren't fun the fact I was surrounded by my best friends made it a brilliant trip! We had a brilliant time and it was so satisfying to accomplish something that people were surprised I participated and succeeded in! 

Halloween Sleepover

Each year me and my best friend Izzy have our annual 'Halloween sleepover'. It started off us vowing to watch a scary, horror film each year but as someone who hates all things horror and gore it quickly changed to us just chatting and watching chick flicks. All our sleepovers are always brilliant, we always have a laugh, we tell each other everything and enjoy each other's company. This sleepover was defintely one of our best though, we didn't do anything we planned to do (watch Sound of Music and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) but had SUCH laugh about the stupidest things! Again, it was unexpected but one of my favourite parts of the year by far!

We didn't actually take any photos on this sleepover but this was taken at a Halloween party the day after:

Birthday Meal

It was one of my friend's birthdays so we decided to go out for a meal. I was on a high because I had my braces taken off after 5 years(!) and just had one of the nicest evenings talking and laughing with my friends. A consistent theme is how unexpectedly great this night was and I just remember feeling very, very happy!

Journey back from psychology lecture

Okay this sounds very very weird! Lots of my friends, including me take psychology and so we went on a school trip to this conference where lots of psychology related people were speaking. The actual experience of the event was good, it was interesting but nothing special. However me and Izzy sat on the coach together there and back (the conference was about an hour away) and gossiped, planned my birthday Paris trip and sang along to Cher! We just had the best time laughing together and singing our hearts out on the coach, one brilliant bit is when Izzy attempted to quote this very 'tumblr, deep' quote she had found and completely butchered it until we were in tears!


For my 18th birthday my mum and dad took me, my brother and my two friends (Ellen and Izzy) to Paris for the weekend. As this was somewhere I was very eager to visit I was so so so excited, we did lots of tourist-y things such as the Eiffel Tower, visiting the Louvre and seeing Notre Dame lit up at night. It was such a brilliant weekend, and the best birthday present!

Hope you enjoyed reading my highlights of 2014, I'm excited about the new projects and upcoming events of 2015 :)

Love, Laura x