Saturday 19 April 2014

Natural Makeup

As a less than subtle person I usually wear quite a lot of makeup, my mindset is that if I'm going to bother doing my makeup I might as well go the whole hog! However I have really been liking this 'natural makeup' more recently.

Foundation, tiny bit of concealer, blusher and mascara

 For starters it's a lot quicker and as someone constantly in a rush this means I'm not as late as I would be. Additionally, sometimes having really dramatic, heavy eyes can be too much and just doesn't look quite right. I change my makeup around frequently but I am really enjoying the simple, 'less is more' makeup at the minute and going more dramatic for evenings out. It also makes taking my makeup off in the evenings a lot easier as there is less product to remove! Furthermore with Summer fast approaching, I find I tend to wear less makeup as having full makeup combined with hot weather just makes me a sweaty, hot mess- no one wants eyeliner on their cheeks so therefore this makeup look is perfect!

Leave me a comment what makeup you're liking at the minute :)

Love, Laura x

Monday 14 April 2014

Small Beauty Haul

With A- Level exams approaching and the usual accompaniment of stress and panic, I thought it was only fair to treat myself to a few beauty items in preparation for the huge amount of revision I need to do (leaving it last minute as usual). Considering I didn't buy a huge number of items the bill was relatively pricey considering my teenage budget - over £40! However I do earn my own money so it's okay :)

 I never tend to wear anything on my lips and instead focus the attention on my eyes, but as I'm trying to make more of an effort to challenge myself and wear more lip products I bought both the Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in 'Crush Beguin' and the L'oreal Liquid Lipstick. The L'oreal lipstick is a beautiful rose colour whilst the Revlon balm is more dramatic berry colour, perfect for a night out! I had heard really good things about the L'oreal Lumi Magique Primer and I have to say, it does live up to its hype of leaving a radiant finish upon the skin. The Biore Pore Strips weren't as impressive - I feel like they didn't leave a huge difference in my skin and are overpriced, I'm glad I tried them but I wouldn't buy them again. Last but not least I re-purchased my beloved Match Perfection Foundation in 'Light Porcelain'- my favourite foundation! 

Hope you enjoyed having a sneak peek into my shopping basket and hope if you're going through the dreaded exam period you're okay- roll on the long holiday after! 

Love, Laura x

Sunday 6 April 2014


I love this app. I don't like the web version that much, I find it really hard to search for people but I love the Ipod/phone/pad version of it and is definitely one of my most used apps.

Taken from:

From the people who take beautiful amazing landscapes to the people who just take selfies, Instagram is just a place for all the pretty pictures to come together. I definitely fall into the 'amateur selfie' category which I know quite a lot of photography enthusiasts hate but I don't really understand why. I understand the frustration of people labelling their photos as 'photography' simply because they've applied a black and white filter to it; I am fully aware the photos I post couldn't be classed as 'photography', but it's my profile, if people don't like it then they don't HAVE to look at it. I just love there's a place which I can document my life through photos and preserve my memories :) Here are some of my recent snaps.

Champagne, nibbles and presents to celebrate my parents
20th wedding anniversary!

My attempt at a 'Milkmaid Braid'!

Leave me a comment what your opinion is on Instagram and whether you love it, hate it or don't care either way! You can also check out my profile here

Love, Laura x