Saturday 16 May 2015

A Fresh Start...

Wooow, so yeah, haven't written on here for a while. whoops!

LOTS of stuff has been happening, school, friends, family, exams(!) and so I haven't really found the time to post on here. I do really enjoy writing this blog though, I love writing whatever I feel like and want to, regardless of who is reading this- probably no one but me! It helps me re-evaluate aspects of my life, and enables me to see things more clearly- particularly when I'm stressed. As a list maker it makes sense that writing would help me chill out and help me decided the best method forward.

One of my New Years Resolutions was to eat more healthily and lose weight. So far, (excuse my French) it has gone to shit. If anything I'm eating worse than ever and have gained weight through my diet of crisps and chocolate. Food is something really difficult for me, if I am struggling with something I tend to seek solace in food, while if something positive has happened I 'reward' myself with sweet treats. I'm unhappy at the weight I am, I feel extremely self conscious and not attractive, but because of this I eat to cheer myself up- its a vicious cycle! I know it seems to an outsider a very simple concept, if you are unhappy and overweight then just LOSE WEIGHT AND STOP EATING. Although it is a more of a psychological thing it does have a chemical element to it, As my body is so used to receiving so much sugar and salt if I try and reduce that intake I suffer physical effects, headaches, stomach aches, more irritable etc.

Therefore I've gone for a new approach.

I'm going to write (in a diary) what I eat each day, in attempt to moderate myself and actually improve. I could always lie, but I've promised myself I'm going to be honest, however shameful it may be. I am incredibly picky about food, I don't like many foods - which as it annoys me I can't imagine what other people think! However I'm going to try to expand my food limitations as this new 'healthy eating' begins.

Here's to a fresh start!!

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