Sunday 24 May 2015

Finishing School... Forever!

On Friday 22nd May I finished school. Some people were really upset it was over, others couldn't wait so they could start the new chapter in their lives. Whilst I will miss not seeing my friends everyday I fall into the category of being very happy to leave. School is so incredibly stressful, and whilst I'm sure Uni and actually working will come with a LOT of stress, the environment of school is not one I particularly enjoyed. It was a very weird experience, finishing at a school I've been at for 7 years (up to GCSE's and then Sixth Form) and something I'm not really sure has sunk in yet. Aside from the exams I still have to do, I am looking forward to the future a hell of a lot more, GAP YEAR HERE I COME! 

Here are some photos from the final two days of school:

My favourite photo of me and Izz
I love this photo, our last lunch together

My two best friends!

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